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Astronomy Colloquium (2018 Fall Semester)

* Date
Oct 25
* Speaker
Jae-Woo Lee (Sejong University)
* Title
Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters from New Ca-CN-CH Photometry
* Abstract


Over the past decade, it becomes very clear that the classical concept that the globular clusters (GCs) are composed of the simple stellar population is no longer valid. In this talk,  I will show the ubiquitous nature of the multiple stellar populations (MSPs) in GCs and critical assessment of various  photometric systems being currently used in the field of the MSPs in GCs. We will show that our new photometric system, namely Ca-CN-CH photometry, can measure very accurate CN and CH abundances of cool giants in GCs. MSPs of about 30 GCs using our homogeneous photometry will be discussed.