Eight to eleven billion years ago, galaxies were undergoing their most rapid stellar growth phase, forming stars at prodigious rates 10 to 20 times faster than observed in present-day galaxies. First thought to
be driven by chaotic galaxy merger events, the evolution of galaxies at this “cosmic noon” epoch is now believed to be tightly regulated by efficient but smoother accretion, star formation formation, and feedback
processes from stars and massive black holes. I will review key advances that influenced this paradigm shift, with a focus on spatially- and spectrally-resolved observations mapping in detail the dynamics and structure, the distribution of gas and stars, and the physical conditions of gas in young galaxies. I will outline new avenues for progress in our understanding of the assembly and lifecycle of galaxies with cutting-edge instrumentation at the Very Large Telescope, and the ALMA and NOEMA interferometers among others. I will also highlight exciting prospects with next generation facilities such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Extremely Large Telescopes.