Applications are invited for two post-doctoral research positions at Seoul National University. Successful candidates will work with Prof. Jong-Hak Woo and his research group to carry out research projects, i.e., 1) gas outflows based on IFU data, and 2) AGN variability and reverberation mapping project. Various research topics on AGNs and galaxy evolution are also available. 

Preference will be given to those who have experience in AGN-related topics and/or spectroscopic data analysis. Substantial amount of time for independent research will be available.

Astronomy Department at SNU provides a lively research environment. Currently, 12 faculty members (including 2 non-Koreans), and 60 graduate students are actively working on a broad range of topics. A successful candidate can work with graduate and undergraduate students in various levels. Korean community has various observational facilities and has access to ALMA and JCMT through EAO, and Gemini telescopes based on short-term contract.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent in astronomy. The duration of this position is 2 + 2 years, contingent upon satisfactory research performance. University-subsidized housing is available on campus for monthly rent of ~500-600 US dollar. Travel support and research budget will be also provided.

Two positions are available from Oct. 1st 2016 or earlier, but the starting date is negotiable. Applicants should submit CV, publication list, research summary, research plan, and three letters of reference to woo at by July. 15th 2016. Early submission is also encouraged. These positions remain open until they get filled.

Please feel free to contact Jong-Hak Woo if you need further information. 

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