Research Areas

Sun and Solar Systems

The research of the solar physics group in our deparment focuses on magnetic activities of the Sun and their influence on the space environments. The solar system group studies comets, asteroids and interplanetary dusts, which provide important clues on the origin of the earth and the solar system.
Stars, Interstellar Medium, Our Galaxy
Research on stars, interstellar medium and our Galaxy in our department covers the formation and evolution of stars, supernovae and their remnants, and the physics and chemistry of interstellar medium, stellar dynamics, gravitational waves from mergers of neutron stars and black holes, galactic dynamics and its star-formation feedback.
Galaxies, AGN, and Cosmology
Many researchers in our department study the formation and evolution of galaxies, active galactic nuclei with super-massive black holes, observations of supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, and cosmology that explores the origin and large scale structure of the Universe.
Our department is developing radio, optical and infrared instruments including radio interferometry, adaptive optics, detectors of gravitational waves, solar spectrographs and polarimeters, and coronagraphs.