Astronomical observation Daily Log (星變測候單子) of the Joseon Dynasty

Korea has a long history of astronomy and there remain abundant astronomical records of more than 2,000 years in chronicles. Among Korean historical records, there are daily log of astronomical observation, so we can see raw data at the time of observation. SeongByeonCheukHuDanJa (星變測候單子) is the observation log that recorded the astronomical variable events in […]

Network Visualization and Visual Decision Support Systems

Businesses and organizations today collect and store unprecedented quantities of data. To make informed decisions with such a massive amount of data, organizations seek to utilize machine learning and AI techniques. Applying advanced techniques must be preceded by a careful examination of the raw data. However, human examination is prone to fail without adequate tools […]

Modern Cosmology: the View from the Center of the Universe

Cosmology is both the science of the entire universe and a fundamental aspect of culture. Cosmology is going through a scientific revolution that is creating humanity’s first picture of the universe that could actually be true.  In the new scientific picture, humans are central or special in several ways, and Earth is a special planet.  Can wider […]

Business Opportunities and Industrial Revolution in the New Space Era

This lecture provides an introduction to the history of space and its transformation into the commercialisation of the space industry often referred to as the New Space Era. Dr.Sunghee Lee is the founder and CEO of a successful Korean space startup company, CONTEC. Drawing on his own experiences working as a researcher for 16 years […]

SPHEREx and more: The era of wide-area surveys

SPHEREx is a NASA space telescope that will observe the sky in near-infrared light, taking images that cover the entire sky four times over its 2-year mission. The mission is in preparation for a launch in early 2025. The telescope incorporates Linear Variable Filters (LVFs) for splitting the incoming light into its constituent colors, providing […]

서울대학교 학생종단조사사업 참여자 모집 안내

대학혁신센터에서 본교 학부생의 생애주기 특성별 지원 정책 수립을 위해 학생종단조사사업 1기 학생 패널을 모집합니다.   1. 모집 대상: 2020. 1. 1. 이후 입학생 중 2023. 8월 기준 두 학기 이상 정규학기에 등록하고 성적을 부여받은 만 18세 이상 학부 재적생(휴학생 포함) 2. 모집 기간: 2024. 3. 4.(월) ~ 2024. 3. 29.(금) 3. 신청 방법: mySNU > […]

캄보디아 왕립프놈펜대학 물리학부 천문학 교육 프로그램 개발과 인재 양성을 위한 수요조사

한국천문학회 교육홍보위원회 해외교육지원단에서는 캄보디아 현지 요청으로 2016년부터 2019년까지 (코로나 전까지) 매년 1-2주 동안 초중등학생과 교사들을 대상으로 천문학 교육 프로그램을 진행해 왔습니다. 이들 활동을 진행하면서 캄보디아 내에서의 지속적이고 자생적인 천문학 발전을 위해서는 대학교에서의 천문학자 배출이 필수라는 자연스러운 결론에 도달하였습니다. 한국천문학회는 2023년 연구재단 글로벌 교육프로그램에 " 캄보디아 왕립프놈펜대학 천문학 교육 프로그램과 인력 양성을 위한 장기 로드맵 완성" 을 목표로 2023년 […]

Infrared spectroscopic study for understanding the icy universe

Ices within interstellar environments play a pivotal role in enhancing our comprehension of star formation, constituting essential ingredients in the subsequent process of planet formation. These ices originate through the freeze-out of gaseous molecules onto grain surfaces, both before and after the onset of star formation. Gas-grain reactions on the icy mantle can yield more […]

Understanding black hole engine based on time-domain studies

Mass-accreting massive black holes are presumably the most energetic and dynamic sources in the universe, not to mention that they are also  an important ingredient of galaxies. However, our understanding of the central engine of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is mainly limited due to the lack of proper spatial resolution. In this talk I will discuss how we […]

2024 아시아대학연맹(AUA) Photo Contest 안내

우리대학이 회원교로 소속되어 있는 아시아대학연맹(AUA)에서 회원교 구성원들을 대상으로 아래와 같이 사진전을 개최합니다.   1. 아시아대학연맹(AUA) Neighborhoods of Asia Photo Contest 개요   가. 행사명: AUA “SPLENDOR OF ASIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE” PHOTO CONTEST   나. 일정: 2024. 3. 17.(일) 접수 마감   다. 주관: 중국 Tsinghua University   라. 사진주제: Neighborhoods of Asia (*첨부파일 안내 참조)   마. 참가자격: 아시아대학연맹(AUA) 회원교 […]