Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres: the Role of Ground-Based NIR Echelle Spectrographs and Their Future

Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres: the Role of Ground-Based NIR Echelle Spectrographs and Their Future  Exoplanets are everywhere. Astronomers are now focusing on the precise characterization of individual exoplanetary systems to better understand their diversity, origins, and potential for harboring life. While space-based observatories like HST and JWST offer unique advantages for exoplanet studies, ground-based observations […]

Spatial Distribution of Intracluster Light versus Dark Matter in Horizon Run 5

Spatial Distribution of Intracluster Light versus Dark Matter in Horizon Run 5 One intriguing approach for studying the dynamical evolution of galaxy clusters is to compare the spatial distributions among various components such as dark matter, member galaxies, gas, and intracluster light (ICL). Utilizing the recently introduced weighted overlap coefficient (WOC), we analyze the spatial […]

CO Intensity Mapping for Capturing the Star-formation History in the Early Universe

CO Intensity Mapping for Capturing the Star-formation History in the Early Universe Line-intensity mapping (LIM) is an observational technique that has recently been actively used in astronomy and astrophysics research. LIM utilizes relatively small aperture telescopes to perform large-area surveys, effectively analyzing the brightness distribution of galaxies and intergalactic medium through their spectral line emissions. […]

Extraterrestrial Origins of Homochirality: The Role of Spin-Polarized Electrons and Magnetically Aligned Dust

Extraterrestrial Origins of Homochirality: The Role of Spin-Polarized Electrons and Magnetically Aligned Dust The homochirality of amino acids and sugars, the building blocks of life on Earth, remains a longstanding mystery.  While various mechanisms have been proposed, including UV circularly polarized light and high-energy spin-polarized electrons (SPEs), their roles in inducing the symmetry breaking is […]

Exoplanets from BOAO

Exoplanets from BOAO The current number of confirmed exoplanets is close to 6,000, many more candidates waiting to be confirmed. Discovery of exoplanets and characterization of their physical properties seem trivial, but they are not. I will introduce how we find and study exoplanets with Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) and SPECtrophotometer for TRansmission spectroscopy […]

Lyα as a promising probe of the Reionization Era

Lyα as a promising probe of the Reionization Era Lyman-alpha (Lyα) emission and absorption features from galaxies beyond redshift 6 offer crucial insights into the epoch of reionization. Recent observations by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have unveiled numerous intriguing cases that challenge our theoretical understanding of the intergalactic medium (IGM) Lyα opacity. In […]

Probing parity violation in the early Universe using galaxy spins

Title : Probing parity violation in the early Universe using galaxy spins   Abstract : Recent 3-7σ detections of parity asymmetry in the observed galaxy distribution have spurred interest in searching for potential signals of primordial parity violation. In this talk, I will explore the possibility of detecting parity-violation in primordial vector fossils using late-time galaxy spins. […]

Electromagnetic signatures from binary mergers: from gamma-ray bursts to kilonova

Electromagnetic signatures from binary mergers: from gamma-ray bursts to kilonova The advent of multi-messenger astronomy, which combines gravitational waves with electromagnetic counterparts, has dramatically enhanced our understanding of the universe's most extreme events. Electromagnetic emissions from binary mergers—ranging from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) to kilonovae—provide crucial insights into these phenomena. GRBs offer a glimpse into the […]

Study on the Physical Properties of Asteroids in the Era of Large Survey

Study on the Physical Properties of Asteroids in the Era of Large Survey Asteroids are considered among the most primitive celestial bodies in our solar system and are crucial for understanding the origin and formation processes of the solar system. Furthermore, the significance of asteroids has been increasingly recognized, both in terms of planetary defense […]