2016 Spring Semester Detail

Recent Progress in Plasma Astrophysics

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2016 Spring Semester) * Date March 3 * Speaker Prof. Jeongwoo Lee (SNU) * Title Recent Progress in Plasma Astrophysics * Abstract     Most of the observable matter in the Universe is in the plasma state and there

Protoplanetary Disks Revealed by Millimeter Interferometers

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2016 Spring Semester) * Date March 10 * Speaker Dr. Woojin Kwon (KASI) * Title Protoplanetary Disks Revealed by Millimeter Interferometers * Abstract     Circumstellar disks of young stellar objects (YSOs) at a later stage are often called

New Window for Astronomy: Gravitational Waves

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2016 Spring Semester) * Date March 22 * Speaker Prof. Hyung-Mok Lee (SNU) * Title New Window for Astronomy: Gravitational Waves * Abstract       The gravitational waves were detected directly for the first time on September 14

Growth of Seed Black Holes

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2016 Spring Semester) * Date March 24 * Speaker Dr. Kwangho Park (Georgia Tech) * Title Growth of Seed Black Holes * Abstract     Discovery of billion solar mass quasars at high redshift poses a challenge for modeling

NOAO Today and Tomorrow

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2016 Spring Semester) * Date May 3 * Speaker Dr. David Silva (NOAO) * Title NOAO Today and Tomorrow * Abstract     The National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) is the USA national center for ground-based optical-infrared (OIR) astronomy.

NASA Mars Missions

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2016 Spring Semester) * Date June 2 * Speaker Prof. Paul Yun (NASA Solar System Ambassador) * Title NASA Mars Missions * Abstract   Since 1964, NASA has sent flybys, orbiters, landers, and rovers to Mars, and is ready

Sub-micro Hz gravitational waves, TAPTA and OJ287

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2016 Spring Semester) * Date June 21 * Speaker A. Gopakumar, (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India) * Title Sub-micro Hz gravitational waves, TAPTA and OJ287  * Abstract   The first official ‘observing run’ of the advanced LIGO