2022 Spring Semester Detail
제 105차 한국천문학회
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2022 Spring Semester) * Date Apr 14 * Speaker – * Title 제 105차 한국천문학회 * Abstract Date Speaker Title Remarks Mar 3 – orientation Mar 10 – 박사후연구원 / 연구교수 소개 (post-doc / research professor
Extracting Cosmological Information from the Topology of Large Scale Structure
The distribution of galaxies in the low redshift Universe provides information on the initial conditions, energy content and evolution of the Universe from its almost Gaussian primordial state to the highly non-linear cosmic web that we observe today. In this talk I
[2022 Spring Semester] Extracting Cosmological Information from the Topology of Large Scale Structure
The distribution of galaxies in the low redshift Universe provides information on the initial conditions, energy content and evolution of the Universe from its almost Gaussian primordial state to the highly non-linear cosmic web that we observe today. In this talk I
Extracting Cosmological Information from the Topology of Large Scale Structure
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2022 Spring Semester) * Date Apr 7 * Speaker Prof. Stephan Appleby(APCTP) * Title Extracting Cosmological Information from the Topology of Large Scale Structure * Abstract The distribution of galaxies in the low redshift Universe provides information
[2022 Spring Semester] Variability in Young Stellar Objects
One of the main properties of young stellar objects (YSOs) is that they typically display brightness variability. This is true across all stages of young stellar evolution, and is observed over a wide range in wavelength (optical to sub-mm) and timescales (from