2015 Spring Semester Detail
ALMA Town Meeting
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date March 26 * Speaker KASI ALMA Team * Title ALMA Town Meeting * Abstract 1) ALMA Cycle 3 capabilities (30 min)2) ALMA Science cases (30 min)3) ALMA Archive data (30 min)4) ALMA Observing
초∙중등학교 과학교육과 천문 교육
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date April 9 * Speaker Kisang Kim (KOFAC) * Title 초∙중등학교 과학교육과 천문 교육 * Abstract 학교 교육은 교육과정(curriculum)으로부터 시작된다. 우리나라의 학교 교육은 1945년 9월 ‘신조선인의 조선인을 위한 교육’을 공표하여 교육방침과 교육과정을 정하여
Astronomy & Big Data & My Experience
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date April 23 * Speaker Dr. Hyunsook Lee (KISTEP) * Title Astronomy & Big Data & My Experience * Abstract The main focus of this presentation is introducing astrostatistics from my personal experience.
Interstellar and Intergalactic Absorption Line Measures of the Near and Far Universe
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date May 1 (Fri) * Speaker Prof. Bryan E. Penprase (Yale-NUS College & Pomona College) * Title Interstellar and Intergalactic Absorption Line Measures of the Near and Far Universe * Abstract Using a network
Space Weather and Earth’s Radiation Belt
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date May 7 * Speaker Dr. Junga Hwang (KASI) * Title Space Weather and Earth’s Radiation Belt * Abstract As the first significant discovery of the space age, the Van Allen radiation belts were
인터스텔라 영화속의 물리
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date May 14 * Speaker 이창환 교수 (부산대학교 물리학과) * Title 인터스텔라 영화속의 물리 * Abstract 인터스텔라의 흥행과 더불어 일반상대성이론이 주목을 받고 있다. 특히 아인슈타인 일반상대성이론 탄생 100주년에 즈음한 영화의 성공은 더욱 의미가 깊다.영화
The Black Hole Safari: Big Game Hunting in Massive Galaxies
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date : May 21 * Speaker : Dr. Nicholas McConnell (IfA, Hawaii) * Title : The Black Hole Safari: Big Game Hunting in Massive Galaxies * Abstract The Black Hole Safari is a campaign to
Small Nascent Galaxies in the Debris of Interacting Systems
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date May 21 * Speaker Dr. Chandreyee Sengupta (KASI) * Title Small Nascent Galaxies in the Debris of Interacting Systems * Abstract Tidal interactions between pairs of galaxies, where at least one of them
우주 환경 그리고 과학으로 비즈니스하기
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date May 28 * Speaker Dr. Seung Jun Oh (SE Lab) * Title 우주 환경 그리고 과학으로 비즈니스하기 * Abstract 우주환경이란, 인류의 생명과 보건, 그리고 지상에 위치한 기술인프라에 영향을 미치는 근지구 공간 및 고층대기의
Mapping the Large-Scale Structure around Galaxy Clusters
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date June 4 * Speaker Prof. HoSeong Hwang (KIAS) * Title Mapping the Large-Scale Structure around Galaxy Clusters * Abstract Galaxy Clusters, the largest gravitationally bound systems in the universe, are important tracers of large-scale
Deficit Spending and the Cluster Baryon Budget
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date June 5 (Fri) * Speaker Prof. Ann Zabludoff (University of Arizona) * Title Deficit Spending and the Cluster Baryon Budget * Abstract The deep gravitational potential wells of clusters of galaxies should capture
A Variable Stellar Initial Mass Function?
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date June 5 (Fri) * Speaker Prof. Dennis Zaritsky (University of Arizona) * Title A Variable Stellar Initial Mass Function? * Abstract Walter Baade, late in his career, was asked if he would choose
Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) Stars in the Milky Way
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date June 11 * Speaker Prof. Young Sun Lee (CNU) * Title Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) Stars in the Milky Way * Abstract Early HK and Hamburg ESO (HES) surveys identified numerous Very Metal-Poor (VMP; [Fe/H]
A new catalogue of type 1 AGN and its implication on the AGN unified mode
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date August 4 (Tue) * Speaker Dr. Kyuseok Oh (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) * Title A new catalogue of type 1 AGN and its implication on the AGN unified mode * Abstract We have newly discovered
Lensing Magnification and Baryon Contents of massive galaxy clusters selected by the South Pole Telescope
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date August 11 (Tue) * Speaker I-non Chiu (LMU, Germany) * Title Lensing Magnification and Baryon Contents of massive galaxy clusters selected by the South Pole Telescope * Abstract The recent Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect (SZE) surveys,
Rotation measure gradients: probing magnetic fields in active galactic nuclei
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date March 19 * Speaker Dr. Juan Carlos Algaba-Marcos (KASI) * Title Rotation measure gradients: probing magnetic fields in active galactic nuclei * Abstract Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are thought to be
구천문대 재개발사업 소개 (Reconstruction of the first SNU Optical Astronomy Observatory)
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date March 12 * Speaker Prof. Myungshin Im (서울대 물리천문학부) * Title 구천문대 재개발사업 소개 (Reconstruction of the first SNU Optical Astronomy Observatory) * Abstract Since its foundation in 1978, The 1st SNU Optical
16-17세기 천문학의 혁명: 쿤의 해석과 이미지들
Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Spring Semester) * Date March 5 * Speaker Prof. Sungook Hong (SNU) * Title 16-17세기 천문학의 혁명: 쿤의 해석과 이미지들 * Abstract 토마스 쿤은 <과학혁명의 구조>(1962)에서 지구중심설에서 태양중심설로의 천문학의 혁명을 패러다임 전환의 가장 중요한 사례로 들었다.