2015 Fall Semester Detail

Stars at the Eddington limit

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Fall Semester) * Date 9. 10. * Speaker Prof. Norbert Langer (Univ. Bonn) * Title Stars at the Eddington limit * Abstract     It is often assumed that when stars reach their Eddington limit, strong outflows are

Introduction to Korean Lunar Missions

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Fall Semester) * Date 10. 1. * Speaker Dr. Eunhyeuk Kim (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) * Title Introduction to Korean Lunar Missions * Abstract     Korea is planning to carry out a robotic lunar exploration program in

고천문학(Historical Astronomy)의 세계와 의의

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Fall Semester) * Date 10. 8 * Speaker Prof. Changbom Park (KIAS) * Title 고천문학(Historical Astronomy)의 세계와 의의 * Abstract     본 콜로퀴움은 고천문학에 대한 소개와 구체적 연구사례, 연구성과의 의의, 앞으로의 비젼 등을 소개하고자 합니다. 고천문학은 과거의

Near-Infrared Imaging Spectroscopic Survey in Space

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Fall Semester) * Date 10. 22. * Speaker Dr. Woong-Seob Jeong (KASI) * Title Near-Infrared Imaging Spectroscopic Survey in Space * Abstract   In this talk, I will introduce infrared space missions at KASI. Based upon the previous

Galaxy evolution in dense environments at z~2

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Fall Semester) * Date 10. 29. * Speaker Dr. Raphael Gobat (KIAS) * Title Galaxy evolution in dense environments at z~2 * Abstract   The gradual infall of small dark matter halos onto larger ones has become a

Recent Developments in Gaseous Galaxy Halos

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Fall Semester) * Date 11. 12. * Speaker Dr. Edmund Hodges-Kluck (Univ. Michigan) * Title Recent Developments in Gaseous Galaxy Halos * Abstract     Galaxies like the Milky Way are surrounded by large halos of hot gas

An Overview of Gaia – Data Intensive Astronomy

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Fall Semester) * Date 11. 19. * Speaker Dr. Dae-Won Kim (ASIAA) * Title An Overview of Gaia – Data Intensive Astronomy * Abstract     Gaia is an ESA satellite project launched at Dec. 2013. It will

융합적 사유를 위한 사실에서 진실 찾기

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2015 Fall Semester) * Date 12. 10. * Speaker 홍승수 명예교수 (서울대학교 물리천문학부) * Title 융합적 사유를 위한 사실에서 진실 찾기 * Abstract     융합적 사고력을 갖춘 창의성 인재의 육성이 국가 미래 성장 동력 확보에 핵심 요소로 간주

Variable stars in the VVV Survey

Colloquium Astronomy Colloquium (2016 Spring Semester) * Date 12. 22. * Speaker Dr. Tali Palma (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) * Title Variable stars in the VVV Survey * Abstract     The “VISTA variables in the Via Lactea” (VVV) Survey is