NNNN.NNN Title (3-3-0)
1) The first number means credits”; the second number means “lecture hours” per week; and the final number means “laboratory hours” per week. 15 weeks make one semester.

2) Lectures can be given in English according to the needs of the students.

3345.501 Techniques in Astronomical Observation (3-3-0)

Various subjects in optical observational astronomy are covered: CCD imaging, photometry, spectroscopy, near-IR observation, data reduction, and image processing. Several observational projects are assigned.

3345.502 Radio Astronomy (3-3-0)

Antenna and receiver systems of radio telescope and their operational principles are presented. Students will learn the types of antennae, the structure and feed system of parabola telescope, the calibration procedure, and the basic principle of interferometer. The frontend receiver including amplifiers and the various types of spectrometer are also introduced.

3345.503 Astrophysics (3-3-0)

This course focuses on radiational, gravitational, and hydrodynamical processes which occur most frequently in astrophysical circumstances. Since the astronomical observations are done by using the light originating fromastronomical objects, understanding the radiation mechanism including the radiative transfer is most essential. The motion of astronomical objects are governed by the gravity. Since stars and galaxies usually form clusters, many-body dynamics is frequently needed area. Finally, most of the universe filled by fluid, and therefore, it is difficult to interprete the astronomical phenomena without understanding hydrodynamics. We approach these three areas from basic principles in order to be used in the forthcoming research activities for graduate students.

3345.504 Astronomical Spectroscopy (3-3-0)

Based on the atomic and molecular structure and spectra, students will study the optical spectra of normal and peculiar stars, curve of growth, abundance determination, measurements of radial velocity and rotational velocity accompanied with some experiments.

3345.505 Solar Physics (3-3-0)

Currently conducted observational studies made from the ground-based optical and space-based UV/EUV, X-ray observatories (Yohkoh, SOHO and TRACE) are introduced. A wide range of observations made both for the quiet and the active sun are reviewed and their comprehensive physical characteristics are discussed.Theoretical and observational studies currently conducted for helioseismology and explosive solar phenomena such as solar flares, eruptive prominences, CME(Coronal Mass Ejection) are studied in details.

3345.506 Stellar Atmosphere (3-3-0)

The lecture deals with the properties of radiation field, the processes of absorption and emission of the radiation,the energy transport in stellar atmospheres. Students are expected to investigate the characteristics of various model atmospheres and to synthesize line profiles and compare them with the observed ones.

3345.507 Interstellar Matter (3-3-0)

This course offers a broad overview of the microscopic processes in and the physical properties of the interstellar medium, whose fundamental constituents are electrons, protons, neutral atoms and molecules, heavy element ions, dust grains, cosmic rays, photons, and magnetic fields. In the first part students will learn basic principles of quantifying interaction rates among the ISM species. In the second part theses principles will be applied to key observations of the galactic ISM to establish observational characteristics of diffuse HI clouds,interstellar dust clouds, dense molecular clouds, HII regions, and super-nova remnants. Finally a five-phase model of the ISM is introduced in a context of long term evolution.

3345.508 Astronomical Instrumentation and Lab. (3-2-2)

Students learn the operational principles of astronomical instruments in diverse wavelength bands and how to analyze data obtained by using them which will potentially lead the students to design and fabricate new instruments with their own specification and observational goals.

3345.509 Interstellar Gas Dynamics (3-3-0)

This course provides a broad understanding on the global distribution of the galactic ISM and the gas dynamical activities therein. In the first part students will learn basic MHD equations, virial theorem, energy principle analysis, shock waves, equilibrium of magnetized gas disk, equilibrium of interstellar clouds. The second part treats convective, thermal, Jeans, and Parker instabilities. The last part concerns with super-nova remnants, HII regions, and star formation.

3345.511 Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology (3-3-0)

The internal structure and components of the Milky Way as a spiral galaxy are studied. The morphology, physical and chemical properties, distance measures, and the spatial clustering of external galaxies are also studied. Physical properties of groups, clusters, super-clusters of galaxies and of large-scale structures are reviewed. The standard model of the universe is introduced. Various cosmological models are reviewed and compared with recent observations. Key topics in the modern cosmology like the origin of the universe, the nflationary scenario, the cold dark matter, galaxy formation mechanisms, the cosmic background radiation are taught.

3345.513 Stellar Structure and Evolution (3-3-0)

All relevant observational facts to the stellar structure and evolution are reviewed, the governing equations are introduced, and physical states of stellar interior are examined. The structure and properties of main-sequence stars, early evolution of post main-sequence stars and their structures are studied, followed by the late stages of evolution. The evolutionary tracks are applied to open and globular clusters to obtain the ages of these clusters. Finally, the properties of compact objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars are examined.

3345.514 Astronomical Magnetohydrodynamics (3-3-0)

Fundamental principles and basic physics of magnetohydrodynamics, particle orbit theory, shock waves in plasmas, and macroscopic and microscopic stability of astrophysical plasmas are introduced with applications to a wide range of astrophysical systems, particularly in the Sun and other exotic celestial bodies.

3345.516 Stellar Dynamics and Gravitation (3-3-0)

The gravitation is the most dominant force in the universe. The gravitational law applicable to stellar systems is the well-known Newtonian gravity, but the solutions for the many-body systems are almost impossible to obtain. Therefore, various statistical methods are widely used, and numerical integrations are often done with fast computers. In this course, we introduce the statistical methods for N-body systems, and apply them to the study of the structure, dynamical instability, and dynamical evolution of stellar systems. The stellar system is regarded as a continuous fluid to obtain the ‘stellar orbits’ that can be characterized by a small number of parameters. The collisionless Boltzmann equation (CBE) is introduced and we discuss the dynamical properties that can be inferred from the CBE. Finally, we apply the kinetic theory originating from gas dynamics to study dynamical evolution of stellar systems.

3345.701 Topics in Observational Astronomy (3-3-0)

This course consists of student presentations and discussions on selected topics in recent observational astronomy.

3345.702 Topics in Astronomical Spectroscopy (3-3-0)

This course consists of student presentations and discussions on selected topics in recent stellar spectroscopy.

3345.703 Topics in Extragalactic Astronomy (3-3-0)

This is an intensive extragalactic astronomy course. Student presentations and discussions are an integral part of the course.

3345.704 Seminar in Astrophysics (3-3-0)

Selected topics from recently published research papers are addressed.

3345.705 Research in Theoretical Astronomy (3-3-0)

Papers in theoretical astronomy are reviewed.

3345.707 Topics in Current Astronomy (3-3-0)

This is an intensive astronomy course consisting mostly of student presentations and discussions.

3345.708 Topics in Radio Astronomy (3-3-0)

This course is offered to those who have completed Radio Astronomy. Various topics are addressed and discussed.

3345.710 Topics in Cosmology (3-3-0)

Recent topics in extra-galactic astronomy and cosmology are introduced and new research projects are examined.

M1420.000100 Seminar for the New Graduate Students (3-3-0)

Over the past few decades, the astronomical research area has been greatly extended thanks to the rapid progress in the observational technology. This course will introduce the new graduate students the recent developments and trends in diverse fields of astronomy. The goal of this course will make the new graduate students understand the characteristics and essence of all the astronomical research fields, helping them choose which field to major in and suggesting them a new vision that the students must have as future astronomers.

M1420.000500 Understanding Astronomy Research Papers and Ethics (3-3-0)

Research papers are the outcome of research activites and a channel of communication among scientists. This course is designed to equip students with understanding of various aspects of Astronomy papers and the publication process. At the same time, this course review the main issues of astronomy research ethics and educate students to ethically practice science research.

3342.803 Reading and Research (3-3-0)

Performs research on theses related to master’s and doctoral degrees.

Last Updated: 09/01/2024